How to reset my password?

Want to reset your password? Follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to your GRADUAN account.
  2. Go to the dashboard and click 'Settings' on the left sidebar.
  3. In the Password section, enter your new password and confirm your new password.
  4. Click 'Update' to save it. If a successful message is displayed, your password has been successfully changed. You can try to login using your new password.
  5. If you can't log in to your account after changing your new password, email us on [email protected]

In case you can't log in to your GRADUAN account due to forgetting the password, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the login page or click here.
  2. Click 'Reset' located at the bottom of the form beside the 'Forgot Password' text.
  3. Enter your e-mail address that been registered to GRADUAN and click the 'Send Reset Password' button.
  4. Check your e-mail, do check your spam folder if you did not see any email regarding Reset Password from GRADUAN.
  5. Doesn't receive an email? Reach to us on [email protected]
  6. Click the 'Reset Password' button or copy and paste the link given in your email to the web browser.
  7. Enter your new password and confirm the new password.
  8. If you receive a successful message, you can use the new password to login to GRADUAN.